Change Process

At the core of the JERRI project is a change process within the two organizations TNO and Fraunhofer. The process involves several steps, tasks and phases including rri goal setting, a transformative rri action plan and an implementation process. The following section will gradually outline these different steps of the change process.

RRI Goal Setting

Both Fraunhofer and TNO have gone through a dedicated process for setting goals within and across the RRI dimensions (Ethics, Gender, Open Access, Public Engagement and Science Education) in interaction with internal and external stakeholders. In addition, we defined concrete pilot activities in order to initiate the change process towards these goals. After the process we jointly reflected on the lessons learned and developed a tentative list of issues to be taken into account when engaging in similar processes as a basis for discussion with other RTOs.

Read more on:

The process of developing the goals:

The goals and activities adopted:

The respective lessons learned and tentative list of ten issues RTOs may want to consider when engaging in RRI transition processes:

Goals at Fraunhofer

Goals at TNO

Next steps

Currently both organizations are developing transition roadmaps detailing pathways from today’s pilots to the envisaged long-term goals to guide the process beyond the project’s lifetime.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 709747.